Lvl 172: ProcrastiN8 Top Red Flags to Look Out for to Avoid Online Money-Making Scams
It wouldn't be the Internet without scammers, would it? I mean it's like walking into a Harley shop and seeing people with tattoos and leather jackets. Shit just goes hand and hand.
And believe me, I've been online money-making for nearly a decade now. It's now my full-time income and over the years and through my experience, I've certainly seen my fair share of scams. Admittedly, I fell for a bunch of them when I was an online money-making noob.
Of course, I found several LEGIT ways to make money online along the way, which is how I've managed to quit my day job and work from home. I'm not rich by any means. But I make a decent enough income sittin' in front of my computer, essentially.
It's not all a scam, though with the amount of shit out there,** it's easy to conclude "making money online is a scam".
That's not 100% correct, buuut I mean, it's not 100% wrong either.**
Look, there ARE a LOT of scams out there. Sites and apps that will waste your precious time or steal away your hard earned money.
But I want to save you from wasting your time or throwing away your money to these god awful scammers. I want to hep you be lazy and not have to put in the effort of trying to make money online, only to earn absolutely nothing in the end.
See man, I've been there. I spent hours doing surveys or downloading games for these apps that...let's just say...turned out to be a complete and utter hoax.
I mean I don't know about you, but I HATE wasting my goddamn time. Like, IF, big IF I AM actually going to do something....well then I want it to be worth the actual freaking effort.
I don't want to do all these tasks just to get no compensation in return.
So, I want to give you a list of red flags I wish I had when I started making money online. Hopefully it'll help you know what to look out for so you don't wind up spending a lot of your own time TRYING to earn money on the couch and instead ACTUALLY earn money from the couch.
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